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22:55 GMT         Day 17 of 90, Season 69    


All Results

Urut - Urut

Rider, Team
  Netherlands Erwin Caluwé, SprintingKings
  2. Netherlands Rodolf Soetens, buffalo boys
  3. Colombia Andreo Urrutia, G E
  4. Netherlands Axel Oos, stinos
  5. Portugal Aguinaldo Frade, PauZaDos
  6. Spain Haraldo Sergi, teretoentau
  7. Australia Adam Love, DCE
  8. Netherlands Sieuwerd Reus, AlCaDoone
  9. Poland Kajetan Borowski, ccc pasym

Badin - Badin

Rider, Team
  Scotland Stanley Sperling, FC Faxe
  2. Australia Oskar Ella, Galliano4827
  3. Netherlands Sieuwerd Reus, AlCaDoone
  4. Netherlands Sieuwerd Reus, Wolverines
  5. Belgium Adolphe Mispelon, TeamPG
  6. Australia Dennis Dodemaide, Galliano4827
  7. Denmark Jannick Rømer, FC Faxe
  8. USA Sigmund Castor, AlCaDoone
  9. USA Sigmund Castor, Wolverines

Al Rumman Hills GP

Rider, Team
  Denmark Kenny Schrøder, kstorm Team
  2. Spain Rufio Batiz, Team Banesto IK
  3. Belgium Yvan Creemers, The Gerrard Team
  4. Sweden Holger Magnusson, Team Peak Performance
  5. Netherlands Bjorn Rinzema, Team Gazelle
  6. Netherlands Adrianus Vroom, deltha
  7. Portugal Aleixo Moreira, piU Pro Cycling Team
  8. Slovenia Erazem Viler, Solkan
  9. Seychelles Aubrey Le Gras, Clenbuterol CT